Poaching in the royal forests was a dangerous game-
Forest law was severe in the 11th and 12th centuries with blinding and castration along with mutilation through chopping off of hands and feet, a possible, if not inevitable punishment of trespass against the venison.
But it wasn’t just fear of temporal punishment-
f that wasn’t enough-
Picture: A part of the Doom Painting at Blyth (on the edge of Sherwood Forest)-
Of course they only concerned with when the poaching encroached onto church land…
In 1253 an announcement was made by the bishops:
‘We arrayed with our pontificals. With candles burning in our hands, solemnly declare the sentence of cursing in all trespassers and breakers of the liberties of the church’ – After the invocation of the authority of the Blessed Virgin, the Apostles Peter and Paul, all the Apostles, Martyrs, Lord Edward the Confessor, St. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr, all the Confessors, Virgins and the Saints of God: and then proceeded: ‘we accurse and from the privileges of Holy Church we sequester and depart all those that from henceforth wittingly or maliciously deprive or despoil the Holy Church of their right…’
(Illingworth Butler 1946)
Leaving apart the question as to why all the virgins in the world seem to form part of the jury...
It would appear that alongside having suffered mutilation, castration, and general abuse for contravening the forest law-
Being as though the lands and woods and arable strips owned by the Archbishop of York, Abbots, Priors and various churches littered the landscape of the forest-
(Andy Gaunt, first published 11/11/2011)
Click here for more ‘Stories from the Forest’…
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Mutilation and Damnation
Award Winners 2016
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The Future of Sherwood’s Past
Project page links:
The Sherwood Forest
National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey
Long term Research at
King John’s Palace:
Ancient Royal Heart of Sherwood Forest
The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Training Fieldschool
Ghost and Shadow woods of Sherwood Forest Project
Investigating Thynghowe Viking
Meeting Site
Searching for the
The Battle of Hatfield
Fieldswork at St Edwin’s Chapel
St Mary’s Norton-
Mapping Medieval Sherwood Forest
The Sherwood Forest LiDAR
Warsop Old Hall
Archaeological Project
The Sherwood Villages Project:
Settlement Development in the Forest
Researching Edward IIs fortification at Clipstone Peel
The Cistercians of Rufford Project:
Settlement Development, Dynamics and Desertion.
Sherwood Forest Environmental Survey
World War II in Sherwood Forest -
World War I in Sherwood Forest -
About Medieval Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest
Project page links:
The Sherwood Forest
National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey
Long term Research at
King John’s Palace:
Ancient Royal Heart of Sherwood Forest
The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Training Fieldschool
Ghost and Shadow woods of Sherwood Forest Project
Investigating Thynghowe Viking
Meeting Site
Searching for the
The Battle of Hatfield
Fieldswork at St Edwin’s Chapel
St Mary’s Norton-
Mapping Medieval Sherwood Forest
The Sherwood Forest LiDAR
Warsop Old Hall
Archaeological Project
The Sherwood Villages Project:
Settlement Development in the Forest
Researching Edward IIs fortification at Clipstone Peel
The Cistercians of Rufford Project:
Settlement Development, Dynamics and Desertion.
Sherwood Forest Environmental Survey
World War II in Sherwood Forest -
World War I in Sherwood Forest -
About Medieval Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest