Mercian Archaeological Services CIC are proud to be running the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey.

As home to the Major Oak, Legendary hideaway of Robin Hood, the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve is famous around the world!

Major Oak, legendary hideaway of Robin Hood in Birklands Wood - Archaeology in Sherwood Forest

Picture: The Major Oak in The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

The National Nature Reserve is actually in two main parts, the ancient woodlands of Birklands and Bilhaugh to the south - home of the Major Oak, and the large expanse of ancient lowland heath to the north known as Budby South Forest.

Ancient Lings, Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood Forest

Photo: Budby South Forest, The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve. © Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

In medieval times Sherwood Forest was characterised by these two landforms of woodland and heath. There were areas of woodland, grazed wood-pasture and heath land. This was the landscape of the great medieval hunt. It was the landscape of wilderness and chase that attracted the Kings of England for sport and pleasure, and also offered the hideaway of the medieval outlaw.

The landscape of the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve was also used by people to graze animals and at times to grow crops during the medieval period.

This survey will search not only for evidence of medieval activity, but will also investigate the landscape from Prehistoric and Roman times through to the more recent activity in the Second World War and the use by the army.

Birklands Wood was Crown woodland in the heart of Sherwood Forest in medieval times, and is home to nearly 1000 veteran Oak Trees, and Budby South Forest is the largest area of lowland heath in the Midlands.

The wider landscape:

The survey by Mercian Archaeological Services CIC covers not only the ancient woodlands of Birklands and Bilhaugh, and the ancient heath land of Budby South Forest within the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve (SFNRR), but also covers the adjacent woodland of Western Birklands (managed by Forestry England), the southern section of Thoresby Park South of the River Meden (the northern area is currently surveyed separately by Mercian), The area around Thynghowe and Hanger Hill on the north-western corner of Birklands, and the area of Clipstone and Clipstone park to the South-west extending to Beeston Lodge in the far west.

Ancient Lings, Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood Forest

Photo: Budby South Forest, The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve. © Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project pageThe Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey is a long-term research project that forms a part of the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project

Mercian Archaeological Services as a Community Interest Company provides opportunities for different groups and individuals to experience their Local Heritage together...

See the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project page for further details.

The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey:

The project seeks to map, record, interpret and help to protect the archaeological resource in the ancient woods of Birklands and Bilhaugh and the ancient heathland of Budby South Forest.

The project includes:

To date in excess of 600 archaeological features have been recorded by Mercian and a fantastic team of volunteers, setting an example of the brilliant results that can come from professional and community collaboration- thank you to all involved so far.

The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey.

Picture: The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.

Preliminary results from The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey.

Picture: Preliminary results from The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.

Preliminary results from The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey.

Picture: Preliminary results from The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeological Survey. The image is a LiDAR Composite DTM - 1m data hillshade image created in GIS. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.

Management of the Archaeological resource:

As well as forming part of long-term research into the landscape of Sherwood Forest, the project is designed to provide high quality archaeological recording and reporting to enable the future management of the archaeological resource of the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve by the site managers the RSPB.

The project in Birklands has been undertaken from 2018-2020 with the support of the Sherwood Forest Rangers at the RSPB who take over management of the site in October 2018.

The survey in Budby South Forest was undertaken with support from the RSPB who have managed the site there since 2015.

Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve

Community Archaeology - Getting involved, 2020 and onwards:

Sadly this seasons fieldwork has come to a premature end, however we will update you as to how you can become involved again.

Medieval holloway- archaeology in Sherwood Forest

Picture: Possible medieval holloway in Birklands wood recorded as part of the project using survey grade GPS and total station to create 2D maps and 3D models. Birklands wood, in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC

For more information about joining the project please email

Some photographs from previous seasons:

Military pit in Birklands wood, Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a military pit in Birklands Wood in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Linear Bank on Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a linear bank on Budby South Forest in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve. Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Linear Bank on Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a linear bank on Budby South Forest in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Ridge and Furrow Ploughing, Budby South Forest- Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording ridge and furrow on Budby South Forest, Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Military Pit, Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a military pit on Budby South Forest in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Linear bank and ditch, Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a linear bank and ditch on Budby South Forest in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Linear Bank on Budby South Forest - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a linear bank on Budby South Forest in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Edwinstowe Boundary Stone, Birklands Wood - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Edwinstowe boundary stone with carved letter ‘E’ in Birklands Wood in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Medieval holloway, Birklands Wood - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a medieval holloway in Birklands Wood in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Military Pit, Birklands Wood - Archaeology in Sherwood ForestPicture: Recording a military pit in Birklands Wood in the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.
© Mercian Archaeological services CIC.

Archaeological Reports:

All reports from the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Survey are made available for FREE o the community via the links below (as they become available).

The reporting and dissemination of archaeological work is essential and all reports are logged via the OASIS archaeological database and Archaeological Data Service, and logged with the Historic Environment Record for Nottinghamshire.

The following reports form part of a long-term research project and are all written to the standards and guidance of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists and Historic England, and adhere to Archaeological Best Practice to ensure the highest possible standards are achieved.

2018 Season:

A Desk-based Assessment of Budby South Forest, Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve. Budby, Nottinghamshire. Part of the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey.

Andy Gaunt, 2018.

The RSPB have been managing the site of Budby South Forest since 2015. This report was commissioned by the RSPB to provide a greater understanding of the archaeological resource within Budby South Forest SFNNR and to aid in the management of the site.

The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project Logo The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project

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The Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey

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The Future of Sherwood’s Past


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 Project Home page


About the Project






Research Aims


 Working with Specialists


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The Sherwood Forest
National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey


Long term Research at 
King John’s Palace:
Ancient Royal Heart of Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Training Fieldschool


“Scirwuda- Mapping the Greenwood”: Place-names,
Ghost and Shadow woods of Sherwood Forest Project


Investigating Thynghowe Viking
Meeting Site


Searching for the 
The Battle of Hatfield


Edwinstowe Church Survey


 Fieldswork at St Edwin’s Chapel


St Mary’s Norton- Cuckney Church Survey


 Mapping Medieval Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest LiDAR


Warsop Old Hall
Archaeological Project


The Sherwood Villages Project:
Settlement Development in the Forest


Sherwood Heath Survey


 Clipstone Village Dig


Researching Edward IIs fortification at Clipstone Peel


Ransom Wood Survey


Thoresby Estate Survey


 Robin Hood’s Village Dig


The Cistercians of Rufford Project:
Settlement Development, Dynamics and Desertion.


Sherwood Forest Environmental Survey


World War II in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


World War I in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


About Medieval Sherwood Forest


Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest


 Outlaws & Villains


 Historical Research


 Stories from the Forest


Book Reviews




 Funding the Project


 Project Partners


 Project Sponsors


 Robin Hood Challenges


Outreach Bus Tours


 Links page



Project page links:


 Project Home page


About the Project






Research Aims


 Working with Specialists


Social Media - Follow us


The Sherwood Forest
National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey


Long term Research at 
King John’s Palace:
Ancient Royal Heart of Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Training Fieldschool


“Scirwuda- Mapping the Greenwood”: Place-names,
Ghost and Shadow woods of Sherwood Forest Project


Investigating Thynghowe Viking
Meeting Site


Searching for the 
The Battle of Hatfield


Edwinstowe Church Survey


 Fieldswork at St Edwin’s Chapel


St Mary’s Norton- Cuckney Church Survey


 Mapping Medieval Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest LiDAR


Warsop Old Hall
Archaeological Project


The Sherwood Villages Project:
Settlement Development in the Forest


Sherwood Heath Survey


 Clipstone Village Dig


Researching Edward IIs fortification at Clipstone Peel


Ransom Wood Survey


Thoresby Estate Survey


 Robin Hood’s Village Dig


The Cistercians of Rufford Project:
Settlement Development, Dynamics and Desertion.


Sherwood Forest Environmental Survey


World War II in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


World War I in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


About Medieval Sherwood Forest


Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest


 Outlaws & Villains


 Historical Research


 Stories from the Forest


Book Reviews




 Funding the Project


 Project Partners


 Project Sponsors


 Robin Hood Challenges


Heritage Tourism Outreach


 Links page


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