Media - Television and Radio

Mercian Archaeological Services CIC and the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project have featured a number of times in the media, both nationally and internationally. We feel that this is a very important aspect of our work and the project as a whole and is a big part of our promoting the forest around the world.

Below are some examples:

Channel 5 - Digging up Britain’s Past, with Alex Langlands and Helen Skelton- Myler.

Mercian Archaeological Services CIC and our Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project featured on Channel 5 in 2019. ANdy was interviewed, and provided expert knowledge, about Sherwood Forest and the archaeology project at King John’s Palace, Kings Clipstone.

Picture: Andy Gaunt interview with Alex Langlands.

Picture: Andy Gaunt interview with Alex Langlands.

Channel Four’s Walking Through History with Tony Robinson:

Episode 5 “King John’s Ruin”

The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project and Mercian have featured on Channel 4. Andy acted as Sites Consultant and episode consultant for Channel Four’s “Walking Through History” He was also interviewed by Tony Robinson at two locations:

King John’s Palace, and the Parliament Oak.

Channel Four's Walking Through History with Tony Robinson Sherwood Forest and King John's Palace

King John’s Ruin: In Sherwood Forest and the Peak District, Tony Robinson explores the story of King John, the hapless monarch who stumbled from one crisis to another.

Mercian’s Andy Gaunt is interviewed at King John’s Palace (above) having acted as consultant to the show.

Andy Gaunt Archaeologist Tony Robinson Walking Through History Sherwood Forest

Picture: Andy Gaunt with Tony Robinson on Walking Through History Channel 4

Andy Gaunt Archaeologist Tony Robinson Walking Through History Sherwood Forest

Picture: Andy Gaunt on Walking Through History Channel 4

International TV:

ARTE TV (France & Germay) - “The English Legend of Robin Hoods”

Mercian’s Andy Gaunt was interviewed and provided expert knowledge o the landscape and History of Sherwood Forest, the development of the Robin Hood Legends, and the influence of Walter Scott on the popularity of the legends around the world.


“L’Angleterre légendaire de Robin des Bois”

Invitation au Voyage


BBC Radio Four

- Mercian and Andy Gaunt have been on Radio 4 a number of times promoting our work and providing insights into the history and Archaeology of the region.

Andy Gaunt archaeology sherwood forest radio 4

Picture: Andy Gaunt (centre) being interviewed for Radio Four’s Open Country Programme about Sherwood Forest and the archaeology of King John’s Palace.

Mercian’s Andy was interviewed in June 2017 on Radio Four’s Making History:

Interviews for NottsTV :

Andy Gaunt Archaeologist TV

Nottinghamshire NottsTV Robin Hood Sherwood Forest Archaeology

Andy Gaunt Archaeologist NottsTV Sherwood Forest

Nottinghamshire NottsTV Robin Hood Sherwood Forest Archaeology

Interviewed by BBC Breakfast News - Medieval Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood.

Interviewed by BBC East Midlands Today

Interviews for local and regional radio stations:

Radio Nottingham including Breakfast Show, Radio Leicester on Sherwood Forest Outlaws, Radio Mansfield

Magazines , Newspapers, and printed Press

Mercian and the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project were the focus of an article on Thynghowe in the American Press. Andy Gaunt Interview in the New York Observer Newspaper:

‘This Viking ‘Parliament’ Lay Hidden for Centuries in Robin Hood’s Sherwood Forest’

By Alanna Martinez • 06/08/17

Picture below- Viking farmers return to Thynghowe in 2016. ©Lynda Mallett 2016:

Interviewed for Archaeology Magazine (253,000 readers in USA and globally):

Mercian Archaeological Services CIC and our work at King John’s Palace in the Sept-Oct 2016 edition of the Archaeology Magazine- Official Publication of the Archaeological Institute of America.

Royal Sherwood: A long-overlooked site, the excesses of English royalty, and the origin of a legend

Archaeology Magazine Robin Hood Sherwood Forest King John's Palace Mercian Archaeological Services CIC

Interviewed by Current Archaeology Magazine:

The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project in Current Archaeology Magazine February 2014.

Hunting King John's Palace in Sherwood Forest... covering some of our work for the Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project.

Page 11 Issue 287.

Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project in Current Archaeology magazine

Andy has also been interviewed by the Guardian Newspaper- Medieval Sherwood Forest and Robin Hood.

Interviewed by Nottingham Post.

Articles in Mansfield Chad - ‘The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project in the Chad Newspaper: Unearthing Mansfield’s secret past’ by Andy Gaunt

Sherwood Forest in the Chad Newspaper

Andy has also been a regular Columnist in Sherwood Magazine.

Sherwood Forest in Russian NewspaperRussia coverage of Мерсийской археологической службы ( Mercian Archaeological Services CIC's ) work at King John's Palace:

SHerwood Forest in Heritage DailyThe Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project in Heritage Daily Magazine:

Archaeologists further knowledge of Palace in Sherwood Forest

BBC Robin Hood Sherwood Forest Archaeology

Nottingham Post Robin Hood Sherwood Forest Archaeology

Experience Nottinghamshire Robin Hood Sherwood Forest ArchaeologyExperience Nottinghamshire Blog on the Robin Hood’s Village Dig:


Project page links:


 Project Home page


About the Project






Research Aims


 Working with Specialists


Social Media - Follow us


The Sherwood Forest
National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey


Long term Research at 
King John’s Palace:
Ancient Royal Heart of Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Training Fieldschool


“Scirwuda- Mapping the Greenwood”: Place-names,
Ghost and Shadow woods of Sherwood Forest Project


Investigating Thynghowe Viking
Meeting Site


Searching for the 
The Battle of Hatfield


Edwinstowe Church Survey


 Fieldswork at St Edwin’s Chapel


St Mary’s Norton- Cuckney Church Survey


 Mapping Medieval Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest LiDAR


Warsop Old Hall
Archaeological Project


The Sherwood Villages Project:
Settlement Development in the Forest


Sherwood Heath Survey


 Clipstone Village Dig


Researching Edward IIs fortification at Clipstone Peel


Ransom Wood Survey


Thoresby Estate Survey


 Robin Hood’s Village Dig


The Cistercians of Rufford Project:
Settlement Development, Dynamics and Desertion.


Sherwood Forest Environmental Survey


World War II in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


World War I in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


About Medieval Sherwood Forest


Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest


 Outlaws & Villains


 Historical Research


 Stories from the Forest


Book Reviews




 Funding the Project


 Project Partners


 Project Sponsors


 Robin Hood Challenges


Outreach Bus Tours


 Links page



Project page links:


 Project Home page


About the Project






Research Aims


 Working with Specialists


Social Media - Follow us


The Sherwood Forest
National Nature Reserve Archaeology Survey


Long term Research at 
King John’s Palace:
Ancient Royal Heart of Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Training Fieldschool


“Scirwuda- Mapping the Greenwood”: Place-names,
Ghost and Shadow woods of Sherwood Forest Project


Investigating Thynghowe Viking
Meeting Site


Searching for the 
The Battle of Hatfield


Edwinstowe Church Survey


 Fieldswork at St Edwin’s Chapel


St Mary’s Norton- Cuckney Church Survey


 Mapping Medieval Sherwood Forest


The Sherwood Forest LiDAR


Warsop Old Hall
Archaeological Project


The Sherwood Villages Project:
Settlement Development in the Forest


Sherwood Heath Survey


 Clipstone Village Dig


Researching Edward IIs fortification at Clipstone Peel


Ransom Wood Survey


Thoresby Estate Survey


 Robin Hood’s Village Dig


The Cistercians of Rufford Project:
Settlement Development, Dynamics and Desertion.


Sherwood Forest Environmental Survey


World War II in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


World War I in Sherwood Forest - Mapping the camps, munitions and more


About Medieval Sherwood Forest


Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest


 Outlaws & Villains


 Historical Research


 Stories from the Forest


Book Reviews




 Funding the Project


 Project Partners


 Project Sponsors


 Robin Hood Challenges


Heritage Tourism Outreach


 Links page


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Media Coverage - The Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project

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